They come in a range of colours from brown/orange to white, pale purple and even electric yellow and blue. They are generally quite calm when handling but can become quite fast if scared or threatened.
They can be kept in a 3ft enclosure with minimal lighting and a heatmat for warmth. They have become popular as they are very easy to care for, all they require is water and an insect diet (brown crickets) dusted with calcium. They are crepuscular by nature meaning that they will be active during dusk and dawn. They are small burrowing terrestrial lizards that generally live in the dry rocky and grassy areas on the outskirts of desserts.
Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis Macalarius) are small soft lizards from areas in Pakistan, Afghanistan and north India. This coupled with their behavior which suggest a higher intelligence than some other reptiles makes the uromastyx an interesting and responsive pet. This makes them one of the only reptiles that does not require a water source. The Moroccan uromastyx naturally inhabit desert regions with sparse vegetation and limited rainfall and will extract all of the moisture they need from their diet. The Moroccan uromastyx (Uromastyx acanthinura ) come from the desert regions of morocco and are great pet reptiles due to their longevity, size and intelligence. Often known as the spiny tailed lizard or Bell’s Dabb lizard this little lizard is a great pet reptile. They have been a great pet lizard for many years now mainly due to their generally calm temperament which makes them a great choice for beginners and children. In captivity we expect them to live longer than a decade and they generally grow to around 2ft over the course of 12-18 months. They are widely available, have a great temperament and grow to a manageable size.
They are commonly a light brown ans beige colour but can be bred to become more red, yellow or white. The bearded dragons are from the arid and semiarid areas of Australia. The bearded dragon ( Pogona vitticeps) is one of the giants of the industry and has been a firm favorite for many years. Here is a list of 10 awesome pet lizards. There are those that are always a great choice and have become our favourites in store. Here at the Northampton Reptile Centre we have dealt with many species of lizards.