Jason Kingsley, the CEO of Rebellion, defended the brutality of the trophy kill system, stating " This is obviously a game based on adult-rated movies, and we want to make sure it’s very clearly an adult-rated game. Even after this, the marine is still alive for a short period of time, "gasping his last, with nothing but bloodied, glistening vertebra beneath his chin.". To begin the Predator's trophy kill, a "terrified" marine is dragged into the centre of the screen by his or her throat, which the Predator then snaps effortlessly with the accompanying sound of "someone biting into raw celery." The neck broken, the Predator decapitates the marine, a "sizeable portion" of the spinal cord following. The wristblades allow for the Predator to perform a "trophy kill," a nod to the movies in which the Predators take trophies, usually skulls, from their defeated enemies to show their prowess in the hunt. For close-range combat, the Predator has two retractable wristblades on its right arm. For long-range weaponry, there's the shoulder-mounted plasma cannon, the glaive-like disc and a spear gun. The player has to be aware of Aliens, which have the ability to see through a Predator's cloaking device, that may climb up a tree and attack from below as well as taking care not to reveal themselves to marines too early as the marines’ weaponry and numbers are more than a match for the Predator. The Predator’s gameplay is more based on stealth and tactics than the average first-person shooter. For example, the Heat Vision mode renders Aliens and other Predators nearly invisible, making battles between two or all three species a tactical juggle to prioritise enemies based on their threat to the player. Each vision mode only allows for targeting a specific race. The Predator has different vision modes, the most recognisable from the films being a thermal imaging scanner, but the player also has different vision modes for spotting Aliens and other Predators.

There are three campaigns in the game, one for each race/faction (the Predators, the Aliens and the Colonial Marines), that, while separate in terms of individual plot and gameplay, form one overarching storyline.Īs in the films, the Predator prefers to stalk its prey from the safety of treetops and the gameplay reflects this, the player leaping from branch to branch automatically with the help of a "focus jumping" game mechanic.